OPK deciphering.. wrong timing!! Help!

Anna • 30, ttc #1 as of Jan 2018 💕 Married 4 yrs, (together 12) + 🐶

*photo below, newest at the top to oldest at the bottom- dates and times shown**

I’m SO confused by this because my cycles are always routine 32 days, give or take a day. All my apps say my period is not supposed to be until June 26, and ovulation June 12th... thats still a week away, but when I peed on my OPK this morning I got a flaming positive!

I have essentially tortured myself with confusion because they say not to use first morning urine with opk, but I did last month and ovulation was positive with morning urine same day as my apps ... so I was so confused with it being positive so early this month (period only ended a week ago) that I decided to do another opk 20 minutes later (not entirely first morning urine?) which was alllllmost positive, perhaps saturation still strong from coming down off the LH surge?.

So to be safe as we are on month 5 ttc, my hubby and I met up at lunch time to BD but I made sure to pee on another one with mid-day urine, and it’s negative but still much more saturated in colour than the previous tests from earlier this week, also implying my LH surge is still coming down.

What do you guys think, is OPK faulty from my mishandling peeing first thing in the morning? Or am I ovulating an entire week early? If so I wonder if that would affect my period.

Last night we also BD because we had not in 3 days and were just “feeling it”, but before hand I also noticed a LOT of stretchy CM (kinda foggy though, not crystal clear so I didn’t think much of it, but there was so much and it was so stretchy 3” that I remmeber it is out of the norm )... so if this did end up being positive opk at least he had a good supply built up of sperm used last night and again BD’d today at lunch and will again late tonight (Specialist told us sperm not very active after 12 hours so trying to do it every 12hrs days of approx ovulation)