Spotting - 6wks

Another spotting post..

Last night I began spotting minimally, pink ish (I know this can be normal). This morning the spotting was dark brown and there was more of it (but still minimal I’d say). I also had moderate cramps and felt light-headed and nauseated throughout the morning.

This afternoon I felt much better and had no more spotting.

However, this evening I went pee and while I didn’t wipe away any pink blood, I did see a long string of pink blood/mucous.

Has anyone who has had spotting, and gone on to miscarry, stopped bleeding for a multiple hours at a time or is it usually pretty consistent and becomes worse quickly?

I see my doctor tomorrow but as you can imagine I’m freaking out.

I did take a preg test and the test line appeared immediately and it is as dark as the control line but perhaps the levels haven’t started dropping yet if I’m just starting to miscarry?

Any insight or similar experiences would be greatly appreciated!