Please tell me someone with low AMH got pregnant naturally and had a baby


Feeling a little down today.

I think I may be taking too much DHEA.... heart palpitations and that’s a symptom... but my fertility dr mentioned taking it to help egg quality.

I’m taking so many supplements .... mediation... no dairy .... no gluten.... all natural body things and soaps....

After 3 rounds of injections with intercourse no baby. And no more $$$. I just want another baby In our family...

My husband thinks it’s possible since we got pregnant in November but miscarried.... which was devastating....

I need hope. Anyone got any ... my other hormone levels are all normal. It’s my age and diminished ovarian reserve....

I feel sad. Need a pep talk.

Update: I cut back on the DHEA. Only taking 50mg right now... and no heart palpitations. I’m also taking micronized DHEA and Just started back taking my accupuncture herbs....

Has anyone heard of taking a progesterone cream to help get pregnant and lengthen periods? Mine range from 26 days to 28. Is that normal?