My May baby is finally here.


*** Warning, LONG POST***

Logan Michael is here 2 weeks late!

For the past 5 weeks, I was only dilated to just under 1cm and baby was VERY high. On Monday June 4th, Dr checked and I was just under 3cm and baby hadn't moved down yet. We scheduled an induction for Tuesday night 6/5/18 at 8pm.

I had irregular contractions Saturday thru Tuesday and we ended up going in for induction. since I was contracting AND I have progressed to 4cm but he was still high, Doctor and I decided to wait on Cervidil and Pitocin.

At 11pm, just as doctor was getting ready to order the cervidil, my water spontaneously broke. I had just come back from the bathroom, stood at the edge of the bed to get ready to lay back down, farted and my water broke. 😂💁

Problem now was, it was TONS of meconium filled. No joke. I was "discharging" meconium with every contraction (2-4 minutes apart from 9pm and on, some back to back) and every bathroom run. 😞 Now we were a race against time.

At 8am, I was only 5cm. My contractions were intense due to back labor and relief was minimal with Fentanyl that we opted to go with. We were trying to avoid an epidural/spinal as well as avoid a CSection.

At 9am, the nurse noticed baby had some major decels and the heart rate wasn't coming back up like it should have been.

My doctor came in and gave me my options and the risks of not having a csection.

In the end, my all natural plan went out the window.

At 11:33am on 6-6-18, I gave birth via Emergency C-Section to a beautiful little boy. 8lbs, 14oz and 21.5in long.

Baby had the cord wrapped around his neck 2x and it wouldn't allow him to descend any further into the birth canal. If we hadn't have done the Emergency C-section, my rainbow baby would have died. 😭😭👣

He has had a tough start to life as well. Because of the meconium, he inhaled A LOT and was struggling to breath. He was wheeled off to the special care nursery while they finished up surgery with me.

Once at the special care nursery, baby got an X-ray to see how full his lungs were and they found his right lung collapsed and both lungs were full of fluid/Meconium.

They immediately got him on 100% CPAP air and started to monitor drastically.

During the time of hooking up, his BP started to raise, heart rate up, and his breathing went down to a dangerous level.

As of right now:

*Baby is on Nose cannula, 100% air.

*His collapsed lung has shown improvement and started to work a little on it's own so they haven't tried to do a chest tube or needle to take air out.

*They suctioned out as much as possible through mouth, stomach and lungs.

*He is currently on a Low Stimulation order. Essentially, no touching, holding or changing baby. No Skin to Skin, no breastfeeding, etc. 😭

* If he continues to improve he will stay at the same hospital. If he has any problems, he will be transferred to another hospital who specializes in NICU and sick babies.

I was able to pump some colostrum for baby. They will put it on a qtip like thing and run it on his lips to get him a little and give him the taste.

While we are so happy little man is here, we are so very worried about him and are praying he continues to make good strides.

Daddy went with him straight from OR. I have yet to see him and am anxiously waiting for my nurse to come back in so we can get in a wheelchair and go visit.

So far, healing and pain are good and ill be here at the hospital until Saturday at minimum.

Things did not go as planned by any means but had I done want I wanted... Baby wouldn't be here.
