Okay I got in a huge argument with my fiancé because I said something about my ADHD and he told me ADHD is all made up for parents that have kids that are hyper. I have been diagnosed and practically spent a majority of my childhood getting MRI, sleep tests, learning tests. He just claims it’s all a bullshit excuse and it pisses me off that he thinks that I can literally not relax and “turn my brain off “ I always have to be thinking about something it effects my sleep I can no longer sleep without something listening to a podcast or show because I can also not control what my brain thinks and imagines so I can have images of horrible things going through my head that I can’t stop. And the shows barley help. I cannot sit through any movies . It actually makes

antsy if I have to, I was always put into the “slow classes “ even tho I have an IQ of 164 . And he is practically telling me that it’s all in my head and I’m crazy. Do you think it’s actually a condition? Or a bunch of bs.

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