husband's family is upset with me (again)


ah the beauty of being married to the family black sheep.

my husband and I welcomed our second baby into the family a week ago (a healthy beautiful baby girl) and well apparently because of having a second girl we are supposed to just keep having babies until we get a boy...wrong! some of his family came to visit us in the hospital while I was in the operating room having my tubes tied and he told them what was going on. now some of his family won't talk to us including his grandmother who won't even recognize her new great granddaughter because of me. other things I've done wrong via the family with this pregnancy is having my husband help with the baby and go to baby doctor appointments, not holding her in until after one of the neice's highschool graduations, not bringing new baby to everyones house instead of them visiting us, wanting to go back to work after my maternity leave is done. (damn my modern ways! -hint of sarcasm)now with all this being said I'm totally fine with telling them to go fly a kite, but husband thinks I need to be civil...I don't think don't get to talk smack on the wife and expect the husband of keep coming to your house and being your bitch for free (they call him to do physical labor type work all the time instead of talking to their own sons because their sons "don't know how"'s not that hard to run a lawn mower or pick up tree limbs and other yard and mechanical work, if you can afford to pay 10 grand for a parking space for football you can hire a damn gardener) I guess where I'm going with this is if they are talking shit about the way we live our life why keep helping them hide the way they live. I am not just a baby factory and my husband is not their personal handyman...just frustrated..