Timed intercourse or IUI?

Sarah 👶🏻👶🏻

A little backstory...I went to a RE because I have hypothyroidism, very irregular periods and my husband and I have been trying for a baby for almost 2 years.

All my blood work came back good. My AMH levels are almost an 8. He prescribed me Metformin and Provera. I started the Metformin and 2 weeks later I got my period, after 4 months without one. I did not need the Provera.

I had an ultrasound today(cycle day 2) and my ovaries look really good, full of eggs is what my dr said and he could rule out PCOS. Instead of my eggs looking like a string of pearls around my ovary they looked like the chocolate chips on a chocolate chip cookie.

My doctor prescribed me Femara to start tonight. What I’m not sure about is, based off my husbands semen analysis, if we should attempt timed intercourse or go straight to <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a>. His results were 51 million sperm, motility 19%( they prefer to see 30%) and morphology 1%(they prefer to see 4%).

I would prefer to try this first cycle with just timed intercourse after the tigger shot.

Is it too much to hope for that it would work? Does anyone have a similar story or helpful advice? Thank you!