Father in Law and his Cancer

Not sure if this is the right group?

So my father in law was diagnosed with multiple-myeloma a about 2 years ago. He had his first stem cell transplant about 1 year ago. And he was schedule to go back in 2 weeks for a second one cus it came back a few month ago. but today we were told that he can no longer do it because the chemo he was given damaged his heart. My husband had a really hard time when his dad was first diagnosed and now with this new update he’s really down. Idk how to help him cope. I’m a religious person so that always helps me but he is not. Any advice? Sadly it seems my father in law will only be able to go to chemo treatments to keep him alive but we don’t even know how much more his body can handle. And my FIL is ALWAYS working. My hubby always ask him to go out and do stuff but my FIL would rather work. And this bums my hubby even more Because he feels his dad is wasting whatever precious time he has left. I hate seeing them so sad. I want to help but idk how.