Are we born knowing righr from wrong?

✋🏼😈 ℕ𝓞т𝐭๏∂คч S卂ţᗩή😈👊🏼 • Peace✌🏼love ❤️and 3 flowers 💐grease(AKA ChiChi The Clown)

i somehow fell into this youtube spiral and came across this video study on babies.

in the study they had 3 test on 3 different babies. in the test they used puppets to demonstrate positive and negative behavior.

test 1

- there was a circle puppet that was trying to roll up a hill, one triangle puppet came out and helped the circle up the hill. in the next sim. the circle was trying to get up the hill but a square puppet pushed the circle back down the hill. (each sim is repeated till the baby loses focus) at the end of both sims they had the baby choose between the square and the triangle. the baby chose the triangle

test 2

- a black and white puppet was playing with a ball, the ball rolled to the right in the direction of the orange puppet and the orange puppet rolled it back. in the next sim the ball rolled to the left to a grey puppets and the grey on kept the ball. they repeated it again, gave the baby a choice between the 2 puppets and the second baby chose the orange puppet.

test 3

- a zebra puppet was trying to open a box. a bunny in a orange shirt came and helped open the box. the 2nd sim a bunny in a green shirt jumped ontop of the box restricting the zebra from opening it. again they repeated each sim then gave the baby a choice between the 2 rabbits. the baby chose the oranhe one.

the people conducting the test concluded that there is a strong possibility we're born knowing the difference between the 2 b4 parents even begin to teach you.

i thought id ask you guys what u think, would u agree with this study?

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