update. first cycle with clomid starts tonight


I'm so excited I start my clomid tonight! I'm hoping to have success like I've seen on this app so many times for other women who have taken clomid. I'm hoping this works we have been trying for 3 years and lost our

first baby together two years ago and have been trying for our rainbow baby ever since. wish me luck please send baby dust our way!

update I've had alot of people asking is I'm having symptoms, the answer would be yes for me. I have had hotflashes and stomach upsets and

some dizzy spells, but everything passes pretty fast it comes and goes. I am having cramps mostly and for some unknown reason I have a lot of gas, (the kind that hurts) but to me its all worth it because not for nothing but I'd probably get similar symptoms if I was pregnant

update 2 so I've been taking opks all week need to know if this is a positive opk...

this one is from today

this one is from yesterday