Boyfriends mother

The first time I met my boyfriends mother we were leaving their house (we had stopped by because he needed to pick something up, and they weren’t home but as we were leaving his mom got there) I was having a really hard day and I was crying on and off, I felt I presentable and very awkward because i was crying and I had looked like crap. I wanted to meet his parents in a more presentable way.

Since then I have seen them occasionally, we don’t really go over there a lot (we want to spend more time with them so I can get to know them more but schedules are just hard to line up ya know?) so this morning my boyfriend and i were talking and he said he was going to his parents and that if I wanted to come by after I got off work I could. I said yeah I’d love to but also didn’t want to impose on his time with his family who he hasn’t seen in a few weeks.

Then he said “they want to get to know you more. My mom said she feels like you weren’t interested in meeting her the first time you met when we were leaving” that honestly made me feel so upset, like of course I want to meet her. Just at that moment I was upset, and I didn’t look very put together and I wasn’t prepared. I got shy ad quiet. I feel so awful. He also told me that she was kind of upset that he’s over at my parents all the time, he met my parents first since I’m still living at home so he kinda had to when we started dating. I feel SO awful. I want to spend more time with his family and get to know them, I just wish scheduling worked out more. We talked about making more of an effort and it’s going to happen. My boyfriend told me not to worry about it but I seriously just feel SO upset..