Help please

So I'm going through a breakup and having a really hard time letting go and moving on. I've been praying to God alot and although some days are better than others I'm still not feeling that good.

It's been almost 2 months since the break up and my ex is constantly on my mind. Even when he's off there's a reminder somewhere or somehow of how he treated me and or I randomly get a flashback of something he said or did. It's driving me crazy and I'm tired of it all.

I feel like my prayers are going unanswered and I just keep feeling the pain that my ex caused me. I just want God to take away the pain immediately  or make my ex talk to me and give me closure. It seems as if no matter how much I pray I'm still hurting. I know I should wait on God and keep having faith but it's hard when I'm hurting the way I am. Can someone please give me tips or advice ? I feel like I'm losing my mind. Thank you 💗