Job Change After LO?


I apologize if this is in the wrong group, I wasn’t sure where to place it and I am looking for advice on my current situation.

I currently work for the bank, and they have been a lot less than “supportive” of my pregnancy. I have been with the company for 6 years, always taken other people’s shifts, offered to work late/early (we are salary and don’t get paid for the extra hours) and I have even worked on days I had off.

Since I became pregnant I quickly realized that they have their own criteria in mind and the moment you start a family they see you as a “weak link” because now you have a family and priorities outside of work.

I have been pushed beyond belief, stressed out when my doctor put me on bed rest for 2 weeks and called everyday (which is against policy) to see if I was better yet.

I am down to my last two weeks (June 22) my last day 🙋🏼‍♀️👋🏼 because I decided to take my maternity leave at 30 weeks. I have had some discussions with my husband and I feel like a job change is in need.

Have any of you changed jobs after LO? I’m thinking of going back into retail management since that was my background previous to this job.