My mans BDSMTEST results 😭

l took the BDSMtest and made my man take it with me. I guess on some level I already knew he didn't have much kink to him but we've been together almost 5 years, we're young and I just thought exploring our fantasies might keep the ball rolling. Every time I try questioning if he has any though he denies it. I thought maybe he's embarrassed and doesn't wanna say or maybe he's confused or couldn't think of something on the spot. So we took the test.

I got a top result of 99% Rope Bunny (with a good chunk of other things mixed in)

He got top result 99% Vanilla with like 50% switch and all the rest of his results being 0-12% anything. 😫 idk what to do or how to talk about this with him. HELP

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I do accept him as he is. I love him unconditionally and we are engaged to be married, obviously I'm not about to break up with him over our sex life. I just was wondering if anyone had experience talking to their SO about these things. I'm not dissatisfied with our sex but it's very confusing for me because I've just recently become aware that I'm kinda a kinky person and I would like to explore that so we can have AMAZING sex instead of just ok or good sex.