Help with my dad?


I don't really know if this belongs here bc I'm a teen but I have a really rough relationship with my dad. My brother had a super bad relationship with my dad (bro would steal and sell my dad's shit and my dad would break his phone and put him on bread and water for a week) and eventually moved out to live with his friends family and finished high school online (and the degree might be fake no one knows). I was super worried my dad would start screaming at me and treating me like shit like he did to my brother but a week later we found out my mom had cancer. For a couple months while my mom was going through surgery and radiation everything was super nice. Like that was the calmest I could remember my family being in the past 6+ years. I grew a LOT closer to my mom bc I used to be so mean to her and I still feel super bad about it. However in the past couple months my dad has gone whack. My mom is a stay at home but recently she started working part time at Walmart to pay off her medical bills. She comes home and asks my dad what he wants for dinner and he just yells WHATEVER at her in an angry tone. She came home from work one day and was tired and he said 'good at least she got all her talking out and will shut up' and she just looked so sad I wanted to cry. He criticizes everything she does when I drive with him he goes 'see now your mother would be swerving all over the place and stopping'. He's just so crabby all the damn time and it's wearing off on me and I start being crabby to my mom and immediately feel so guilty bc she has to put up with his shit and now my shit too. I like going a little later to soccer practice bc I don't like it and he said if I wasn't in the car 20 minutes early he would leave without me when we live 6 mins away. In the car IN FRONT OF MY FRIEND he started harping on my mom bc I got mold on my uniform so my mom and I sprayed it with vinegar on the front yard and it apparently bleached the grass a little. I get yelled at for slamming the door or closing it with my foot or stepping on a certain loose board in the entry way. I'm not allowed to have friends over tho bc he's such a fucking slob that there's tools and shit covering every surface in the house. My mom made this small pile and he went off on her but I'm like BUDDY if you can't find something you go and buy a new one anyways! That's why we have money issues! Also I have my permit so I have to go driving with an adult so my moms with me every time I go out but somehow his truck got a small dent in the little part that sticks out so u can step on it to get into the truck bed and he LOST IT at me saying it was all my fault but i literally never hit anything. It was bought used and he drives it everyday to his work in a sketchy neighborhood. He says the dent comes from hitting a pole but remember I never hit anything! I'm so fucking pissed with him treating my mom and me and my brother like shit and legit treating a fucking door better. Every time I bring it up he tells me I'm out of line and to learn some respect for my parents. I work my ass off taking ap and honors classes and still get straight As. One night he took my internet away bc i brought it up and wouldn't let me use my friends phone to tell the people in my group project that i couldn't work on it. I can't get a phone until I can pay for it but I'm 15 and no one hires. He said that if I found a plan and a phone for everyone in the family he'd buy it for me but after I spent several hours on the phone calling companies up to find a good phone for everyone and making a spreadsheet with different categories he said I'd still have to pay for my phone. People at school notice that I don't have very many clothes but it's not like I have money to buy more. I live in a 4 bedroom house with a 2 acre backyard bc my dad wanted a nice place. My mom and I end up doing all the yard work while he sits on his lazy ass watching Netflix ON MY ACCOUNT. Netflix and a laptop and an iPod are all I have and he mooches off my laptop and my account. I know I'm spoiled but I'm talking about a 50 y/o man acting like a petty princess. Idk what the purpose of this was maybe just give me suggestions on how to survive 3 more years or how to deal with him? Sorry it's so long and such a rant.