Sneak Peak gender kit


I just wanted to share my experience with this. When my husband told his job we were expecting, his boss ordered the Sneak Peak gender predictor kit for us as a gift. I had never heard of this before, so i was skeptical.

How it works:

Once you are 9+ weeks pregnant, you can use the test. It comes with everything you need to collect a small blood sample and you mail it in and once received, they email the results. I did mine at 12 weeks.

1. You cannot allow any male DNA to come in contact with the test. I wiped down my bathroom with bleach and hot water and did my test while my husband was at work.

2. Don’t do it in the bathroom 😂😂 this was in the instructions but i had already cleaned the bathroom and set up in there before seeing this in the instructions. This did not affect my test.

3. Follow the instructions exactly.

So long story short, i had to prick my own finger with something similar to a diabetic pricking needle and squeeze about .05ML of blood into a small tube. Then package it up and mail it in. I mailed my test on a Tuesday (they include a priority 2 day envelope and postage) and received an email on Friday that my test had been received and results would be sent to me within 24 hours.

Saturday morning, i got an email that i was having a baby girl!!

I was super excited! But also skeptical because i had read reviews where the kit came back wrong. I didn’t want to wait 8 more weeks to find out if it was right or not, so i scheduled a private ultrasound at a clinic in my area. Yesterday at 15 weeks 5 days, we found out that we are indeed having a baby girl!

So, if you’ve ever been curious about these home kits, i would say they’re probably about 99% accurate if you follow the instructions to the letter, but you should definitely follow up with a sonogram or blood test from a doctor or lab to be 100% sure. It would seem more likely that a girl result would be correct, because you can only get this result in the complete absence of male DNA and a boy result would be questionable, especially if you live with any males or somehow allow the test to be contaminated.

I keep staring at our sonograms because i can’t believe it! I wanted a girl so badly and I’ve been dreaming about her for years and she’s finally coming true ❤️