Suicidal Trigger I guess

So, I’ve been super depressed all my life and I can usually handle it. However, ever since I got married and we have been ttc, I’ve been out of my freaking mind. I feel like since I have pcos, my husband is older and has a lower sex drive, that I’ll never get my positive. I’ve been depressed lately and it’s actually not ALL due to ttc and the periods and negative tests, but I feel like since we will be trying for a year in October and I’m only 21, that I’m not worth anything. I feel like if I can’t even get pregnant like a normal woman should, and I start to wonder what I’m doing here... I wonder why I’m still here if I can’t do something that’s suppose to be natural. I’m just at a loss... I don’t know what to do anymore. Thanks for the venting. ✌🏼