breast pain


so I'm nursing my 8 week old and my 24 month old but for a few weeks I've had this little lump and mild pain when nursing, well this past week the pain went from mild to excruciating while nursing and when not. I made an appointment with my doctor to make sure it wasn't mastitis. He said it wasn't and it didn't seem like a blocked milk duct. He said it felt like a swollen gland. Why would I have a swollen gland if I didn't have any infection? He said he was at a loss and didn't know why my pain was so bad. I've put a warm booby tubes on it and it helped a little also pumped when I couldn't bare to nurse. But the pain is back to being pretty bad even though I've had a warm booby tubes on it all day. I pumped thinking my babies weren't draining it enough but didn't get much at all(unlike before) but its still hurting and feels lumpy I. areas. Has this happened to anyone else any advice? I think I might get a second opinion from another doctor. this pain is the absolute worst it makes taking care of my 2 under 2 very difficult.