Desperate for tips: Health Anxiety

Anxiety runs in my family and I always thought it skipped over me until recently. I've always had a little anxiety regarding my health but now it's very frequent.

I moved about an hour away from home with my bf a few months ago. Before I moved I had an apt with my sister and was 10 minutes from my mom. I've noticed recently that at night or early mornings I cant get out of my head about the worst health related things. I will literally give myself heart palpitations. I looked up health anxiety and thinking something is wrong with your heart is very common. Sometimes I can't go to sleep because the anxiety has me scared. I know I can go to a doc but im in between jobs so my work health insurance isn't active so I'd have to pay only for them to tell me it's all in my head. I am very happy with my bf but I think not seeing family everyday like i have for the last 22 years is causing this. I might go see them to see if it will help. Anyone else have this problem? I am desperate for tips to avoid it and also how to calm myself when I cant get get out of my head. Im not looking for unnecessary medications because it isnt severve like others and i have melatonin to help with sleep but i dont want to take that every night.