Need to vent about husband


Obviously my perspective is going to be heated bc I’m annoyed but being 7 weeks away from giving birth, my body is shot. I’m coming down with bronchitis and I was up from 1-4am with our 1 year old who would not sleep because my husband allowed her to sleep all evening while I was out running errands. This morning after I wake up feeling horrible. I couldn’t get our daughter to wake up bc she was exhausted from being awake in middle of night as well and she started throwing a tantrum bc she wanted to go back to sleep. Meanwhile, hubby quietly lays peacefully on his side of bed while I’m clearly coughing up my lungs, hoarse, can’t get the baby to cooperate, dogs going nuts to go outside. Finally I said I’m sorry but can I get some help over here? Or hey you want to maybe keep her home today from daycare since you’re off all this week? And his only response is “why...? She’s not sick?”. I just got so mad at that point because he could clearly see me struggle and offered to do nothing to help me. And this is how it is with most things. He’s off all week and with his job he gets 1 week off a month and he claims he will be majorly productive and only completes maybe 20% of what hensays. I usually come home to the house still dirty and dishes piled up and etc. so, part of me wanted to cuss him out but I just took a deep breath and went and got her a sippy cup and left it at that. I mean... come on. Help me a little bit!! He didn’t have to do shit all weekend!