Army, Airforce, Marines, or Navy?


Hi folks, I’m currently in the process of deciding to enlist in the military. As of right now, I’ve had a tattoo on my thumb that I’ve been trying to get removed because in most of the branches you can not have tattoos on your hands. I’m hoping this treatment that I am getting this month will be my last, therefor bringing me closer to actually getting to join.

Although I mainly have my sights set on the army, I’ve never talked to any other recruiters other than army and I’ve been told to explore my options, just to be sure. The two biggest reasons I have my sights set on army is my husband is currently in the army, and you can pick your job before meps. Idk, that just really appeals to me.

My second choice of branch’s would probably be airforce, then marines, followed by navy. I would really rather not be in the navy, mainly because I don’t want to be on a boat a lot.. also my best friend is in the navy and although she doesn’t hate it - it doesn’t seem like my cup of tea.

I think Marines would be cool, but to be honest, I really don’t think I’d be physically fit enough to make it through the basic training. And lastly, I think airforce would be cool, a lot of people seem to like it. And although I’m not familiar with how the jobs are given in airforce, my husband has my under the impression that it would be easier to become the MOS that I want in the airforce, even if I don’t get that job right away. I wouldn’t know.

My number one job choice that I would love to have is to be a military working dog handler.

So, for those of you in these branches or married to those in - what are your experiences? Pros and cons? And also, how did you end up with the job you have?

Here’s a gif I just found of a marine with a kitten enjoy.