Hard time dealing with past job emotions

This is not pregnancy related but I’m struggling with how everything went down after leaving my job. I had been there for 5 years. I’ve been mistreated and taken advantage of for probably 4 of those 5 years. It all started after coming back from Mat leave with my first and then things went downhill after my second. Anyway, I gave my notice. I was only able to give one week unfortunately for personal reasons. I finished off my week, worked hard and did everything I was supposed to. I have a new job lined up- different end of town so not really competition. After five years I got nothing. No goodbye. Literally nothing. Is this normal? I left on good terms...I can’t say the same for my boss. The kicker is that we worked together my last day and she had plenty of time to say goodbye. I just feel raw about the whole situation and not sure how to get over it before I start my next job. I want to get over this and move on but I can’t. Help!

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