Shelving and Sex


my husband works long hours during the week. When he comes home he barely has the energy to do much else other than eat and go to bed. Whenever we have a disagreement, the only possible time to talk is during the weekend. But during the weekend he says he wants to have fun and enjoy himself and not ruin weekends with discussions about disagreements. He introduced me to a concept of shelving, where if there is an issue ,you do not discuss it @ the time, but you put it off for discussion at an opportune time. Therefore he expects me to have sex with him even after he has completely pissed me off because we can discuss the piss off at another time .I am one of those people who prefer to Hash things out and finish and then move on. I have found that I am completely incapable of having sex with somebody if I am not feeling loved or cared for in the relationship. so I think shelving is just absolutely absurd and it is not working for me. Now if we are not intimate he mutters something like I'm being a bad wife! Before I invest in counseling, would you guys please tell me whether I am being unreasonable?