So frustrated!!!

It's the day before ovulation according to apps and hubby not in the mood!😔 I always tell him ahead of time that fertile week is starting and we need to BD every other day. and then usually on days like today I send him sexy messages making sure he knows it's game time. usually this works perfectly. BUT today.. all was well I told him it's peak day sent sexy messages to which he replied "cant wait" and then he gets home pours us a glass of wine cooks a delicious dinner playing the right music, all is good. so I tell him I'm gonna go shower and get ready to which he says "can we please skip tonight I don't feel up to it" 😤😠 I'm like WTF why set the perfect mood only to burst my bubble??!! already feeling like I'm out this month cause he decided to skip peak day 😔😔😟😢😢