

I just broke up with my boyfriend of 7 years.

We have a 1 yr old of which is an amazing father too.

I just started not feeling any love or attention from him the last few months. I just felt like I was just there. Like we were just roommates that occasionally slept together. Even sex started becoming weird. Him initiating it started becoming rare. I felt under appreciated. I’m a very selfless person where he is just the opposite. I just felt myself giving and giving with very little in return. He only did something if he wanted something in return. I love him as a person, as the father of my son, and my ex lover. He got me out of a toxic relationship.

I just feel like he gave up. He had me and he didn’t feel the need to fight for me anymore. To show he still loves and cares for me. And I mentioned this to him as I ended things. He thought he was, he didn’t notice he let me go. He didn’t see it how I was. I want to give him another chance but I’ve brought up ending things before, same reasons and he had it in his hands to show he still wanted to be with me and he just let it slip.

I’m not one to stay with someone because of a child. It’s not something I believe in. If I can’t be happy with the father how can I be happy to give my son the best life I can give me. That being said please comment on any feedback. I really need some advice, questions, comments even judgment. I need to question myself that I’m making the best choice here. He and I will be talking again in a few hours. I want to make sure I’ve had a clear head and made sure I thought about every decisions for myself and my son. Whatever you have to say, please say.