

Is it selfish to induce ? I’ve read so many stories on here and I didn’t realize it was such a heated topic to some . I’m 36+ 3 and I’ve been measuring a week ahead for weeks now , I’m due July 7th but the Dr said we can induce on July 1st or 2nd . Personally I don’t have a problem scheduling to induce , it’s only 5-6 days earlier than expected and honestly the “known” factor of it is appealing to me. I don’t want to be grocery shopping and have my water break in public , or wake up to my water breaking and panicking , or having contractions and not knowing if it’s time to go to the hospital . I’ve been swelling a ton lately and have been out on Work restrictions ( I’m a hairstylist and planned on working the next two weeks ) but dr told me no , that I have to cancel everyone and rest to keep this swelling from getting worse . Ok I feel like I’m rambling now lol but honestly is being induced and being happy

About having a ‘set’ time wrong ?