Tooth infection and excruciating pain😭


Over the weekend, I have been having increased sensitivity on one of my molars that had a root canal. The pain radiated to four other tooth as well, up and down. Sunday was the worse, I couldn’t sleep due to pain, did warm compress on the right side of my face, pain is better when I’m sitting down. I called my dentist this morning and they were able to get me in, he told me an infection is starting so I may need to get a root canal again on the same tooth. He started me on amoxicillin and he also ordered Tylenol 3. Called my OB and they are ok with the medicines. Consulted the pharmacist when I picked up the drug and she doesn’t recommend that I take Tylenol 3 due to codeine. Pain is terrible, and now I brought me Orajel and see if it will help. Is there anyone else going through this, and can you tell me what helped your pain?

Thank you!

Btw, I’m 13 weeks today