9w1d ultrasound!


So I’ve had two miscarriages. One at 5 weeks unexplained and the second at 7.5 weeks due to blighted ovum.

I have PCOS and started a baby aspirin the cycle before the cycle I got pregnant. I also started Metformin on CD 2 and got my positive on CD 26.

This pregnancy I started progesterone immediately at 4w1d and had my first ultrasound at 5w3d and saw fetal pole! Then another at 6w4d and baby had a heartbeat of 130! Both of these ultrasounds measured perfectly at what I calculated from my lmp

Today at 9w1d I had another ultrasound and baby measured 9w4d with a heart rate of 167bpm! I’m so ready to make it to the second trimester and feel safer. My first two ultrasounds I didn’t cry but today I cried. So so happy!!!




Sending much love to all of you mommas!!!! ❤️🌈🤗