having trouble copeing

zuly • Married with a stepdaughter, a daughter, a baby in heaven, rainbow baby, boy with another one on the way!

So on May 8th I went to my first prenatal appt. I was told I was 11 weeks but when they did an ultrasound they said 6weeks. well during the ultrasound they couldnt see the baby or a yolk sac. They told me it could be too early and scheduled an appt. for two weeks later.

On Mothers day I ended up in the emergency because I was cramping and bleeding. After they did some tests and ultrasoumds they deteremined I was fine and sent me home. The following morning I woke up and had this horrible stomache pain so I went to the bathroom and it happened.

I stuck my hand in and grabbed what I was later told was the "products of pregnancy". They told me I had a miscarriage but I kept asking the doctor if they saw a baby or if a baby was found. His reaponse is he doesnt know and wont know because they just confirm the "products"!

I wanted to know and kept asking what do they do with it and he said it's considered waste. I didnt get my closure I didnt get to even know and they cant tell me anything. Everyone says since he didnt see a baby before than I really didn't have a baby. which hurts like crazy to hear.

Also if there was no baby it would have been a blighted ovum not a miscarriage? So since they labled it a miscarriage that means I did have a baby right? I'm. so lost and confused guys I need help.