Can someone help me?

So a little back story, I had my iud taken out on the 12th of may. I bled from the 14th to the 18th. I took opks from the 20th until the 26th. I got no positive LH surge so I gave up after a week. My SO and I had sex every other day because I didn’t know when I’d ovulate. Well I had bleeding from the 2nd to the 3rd of this month. It wasn’t light, but wasn’t period heavy either. The bleeding was bright red with some mucus. I didn’t spot after or anything. It was just there and gone, as quickly as it came. Now it’s the 11th and I literally feel pregnant. My boobs feel full and tingly and my bras don’t fit. I’m nauseated more at night to the point where I can’t eat dinner and my morning sickness with my first was at night as well. I get dizzy spells on and off, I’m extremely tired, I’m emotional, and I’ve seen creamy discharge in my undies twice this week. The confusing part is that I’ve taken 5 pregnancy tests and 2 came back with faint lines, a blue dye and a FRER. And the other 3 couldn’t have been more negative. We are still having sex every day-every other day just Incase I didn’t take last month. But my question is, am I testing to early and that’s why I’m having confusing test results? Or should I count my bleeding on the 2nd to 3rd as my period for this month and watch for ovulation? I’m so stressed out about all of this and I just want some answers 😪😪

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