Common sense

Spring Momma 🐞🐝💐🌿 • 31| Married 💍 SAHM of two 👧🏻💕 👶🏻💙

Do people not use their brains anymore🧐 ? We were at church and a friend comes up to us and starts having a conversation, as we’re talking she tells proceeds to tell us she has the flu but didn’t want to miss service😩ummm i was holding my two month old baby. Also someone else comes over to say hi and touches my baby’s face 😬🤔, i have no idea where her hands have been.And last but not least a lady Ive never met started grabbing my baby’s hand 😠, OMG!!! Where is the common sense?!? Just so irritated, now my hubby understands why i put baby in his carseat right away so no one touches him. Thought id give people a chance 😩. My son hasn’t had his two month shots yet by the way🙃.