

When I say I have severe anxiety I dont think people understand. I feel like people just think im dumb for not being able to just get over it. This is so tiring. Everyday I think I'm dying even though the exact same thing happens everyday like I said and I never die. I cant be left alone or else I'll panic. I havent left the house for weeks and the last time i did i had an anxiety attack. I cant even walk down the street. I'm too scared to shower because I dont want to collapse and drown. I took meds for like 10 months and I got off of them because they were making me sick and9 the withdrawal is horrible. Whenever I feel slightly weird

my mind makes up horrible scenarios in which something horrible happens. How do I live with this. I just feel like I want to do what I want and this has been holding me back for 2.5 years uuhghfj. Does anyone else have it very bad or does anyone relate?

Yes, I have a councilor