does he like me ??😩

so i’ve been seeing this guy for about 2 weeks, and we’ve hung out about 4 times. well he got a divorce about 2 1/2 months ago and he made it clear to me he wants to hangout a few times before we decide to continue anything. well he still hasn’t kissed me, but keeps wanting to hangout and everything. he has a son, and he told me this weekend he wants me to go to dinner with them. does this mean he likes me? i’m just really

confused because I like him, but I think if he didn’t like me he wouldn’t be invited to certain events, for instance stuff with his family and meeting his family already(and now his son). is there a reason why he hasn’t kissed me yet? like i’m not complaining I just want to know if y’all get where i’m coming from and can help a girl out. I should also add in that i’ve known him before, but he was in a relationship when I used to hangout with him.