Court ordered mediation with a father that won’t stay out of trouble

Until April my ex and I were able to work out custody between us. Back in April he went to jail and I initiated a court hearing for custody because my daughter was with him when he was arrested and I am sick of her having to witness these things and suffer from his mistakes. I have never tried to keep our daughter from him because she is 10 years old and idolizes him. Since she was born he has served jail time 3 times and she has seen him arrested more times than I can count. The courts gave me temporary primary custody with visitation for him and I do not ask for child support. We have court ordered mediation tomorrow for permanent custody orders. The problem is that I received a phone call from his probation officer because he missed another court date last month and now has another warrant, and because he is looking for him because he is running from probation. Since it is summer break, this is his court ordered week to have our daughter until Friday. I have contacted my attorney, and I am waiting on her to call me back to advise me. I do know where he is and the address, and I can give that information to his probation officer, the problem is I am worried that the courts will see that as just trying to benefit me in the custody process. I have also let his probation officer know my daughter is with him and I do not want her to witness him arrested again. His probation officer is looking to revoke he probation and have him serve out his sentence (4 months). Has anyone had to deal with a similar situation? I can’t just go get my daughter because it is court ordered visitation until he is arrested. Please no negativity as this has been more difficult than I could imagine and I am trying to go about this the right way instead of the angry way for the sake of my daughter.