Long Complicated Birth


My due date wasn’t until the 28 but she came on the 7th via emergency c section. I went to the E.R for severe upper back pain, it was so bad that I could barely breathe. They got me hooked me to monitors for me and baby and got blood work. They came in a little later and told me I was preeclamptic and had HELLP, that my liver was what was causing the pain and was being admitted to be induced immediately. They started pitocin and magnesium and off we went. Contractions weren’t bad and within a couple hours they broke my water at 2cm and everything was going smoothly. At 7.5 cm my labor stalled. She had cocked her head sideways out of position. I was constantly monitored for my blood pressure platelet count, and liver enzymes. When she cocked her head my platelets bottomed out and liver enzymes went through the roof so the rushed an emergency c section under general anesthesia to get her out and get me on meds. I spent 3 days in ICU and 2 more on the maternity ward. Baby girl was perfectly healthy at 5lbs 9oz and 18 inches long. No NICU time and only had a little jaundice. Nothing went as I planned it to be but I wouldn’t trade it for the world. My little girl is my life now. Ms. Annalese Elaine Tracy born 6-7-18 5lbs 9oz 18 inches long with big old lungs and a head full of hair

My first time getting to see her ❤️❤️❤️❤️

Dads first time seeing her and baby’s first picture❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️