Missed period?

My husband and I have been TTC for few months now. I had the Nexplanon implant removed from my arm in early February. I had my cycle regularly for 3 months. During these 3 months, there was always either 29 or 30 days from the start of my period until my next period. Long story short, this month I was supposed to get my period on Monday, June 4th. I never got it and haven’t had any spotting or bleeding at all. That means I am now almost 9 days late. I have had a lot of crampiness and I have felt bloated. I have taken a few pregnancy tests throughout the week/weekend, but all have come back negative. Is it normal to skip a period like this but have the same crampy feeling? Has anyone else had a similar experience? I appreciate any feedback! My <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">Glow app</a> keeps reminding me to track my period, but I can’t! As a result, it is not showing me my expected timeframe for ovulation for this month...

Thank you in advance, everyone!