bad news. . .


I just returned home from my 8 week appointment. We were both very excited to see our baby. This would have been my second pregnancy. My previous pregnancy went by with no hiccups other than getting gestational diabetes. When the doctor inserted the wand, she almost immediately said "sorry but this is an abnormal pregnancy, the growth of the baby and the timing do not add up" She then sent me on my way telling me I needed to prepare myself for next week. They are giving me a week for the baby to grow but I know in my heart somethings wrong. It barely had a heartbeat. she also told me that if i don't miscarry this week naturally I will need to either get a surgical abortion or take some pills to make my body miscarry. Im just really having a hard time knowing the life we created is dying inside me. im terrified for these next necessary steps and im honestly cold. My fiancee is beside himself and i cant even give him a hug let alone look him in the face. im just lost and i dont even know how to explain my feelings.