at what point would you change OB’s?


Im just getting home from the ER and feeling quite frustrated with the way my OB’s staff has been treating me.

I am about 12.5 weeks with my 2nd pregnancy and have had severe morning sickness since week 5. My first visit with OB was at week 7, and he told me to try all the tricks that can typically be found by googling morning sickness remedies. B6, ginger, peppermint tea, preggie pop drops, I’ve tried it all. After his approval of the B6 supplements, I added that but had already tried everything else. Within several days I reached out to let him know it wasn’t working, and I was prescribed promethazine to take as needed (every 4-6 hours). It worked great, I still had occasional nausea but rarely vomited as long as I stuck to the 4-6 hour dosage. They only gave me enough to last a week, 30 tablets, and when I contacted his office for a refill I had no issues; so I contacted them another week later for another refill and was told if I continue to be this sick we would have to try something else, but was issued a refill. Another week later, another refill requested (or alternative if we needed to try something new like she said), and another refill issued.

The following week I had an appt with my OB so I told him what she had mentioned about changing meds and he asked more questions about my morning sickness. He decided to add Reglan and told me to take it before dinner to help my stomach work quicker. Long story short, it seems to do absolutely nothing and every time I’ve taken it I’ve vomited within half an hour. I contacted the staff again to let them know, and asked for more of the promethazine (or again, alternative nausea med). I was then informed that I need to take less so they told me to only take 2 per day and filled the prescription for only 15 pills. I’ve been following their advice and have had slightly more vomiting and definitely more nausea, but Ive still been able to work and get by.

Fast forward to yesterday and Sunday. I spent most of those days nauseous and just feeling bad in general. Last night I took the reglan before dinner, but shortly afterwards I started vomiting and continued to do so for the next 18 hours. I wasn’t able to keep even the tiniest sips of water down, and became dehydrated and faint quick. Once I was able to get a ride this morning, I took myself to the ER and received 2 bags of IV fluids and IV zofran. Obviously I called my OB’s office, but he was in surgery all morning so I was unable to be seen. I had to speak with the nurse again and was basically told the amount of promethazine they’ve been giving me isn’t healthy for the baby and maybe we should see if I can get home healthcare for IVs weekly.

I’m just feeling like I know I’m not the only person that’s had this problem and I know plenty of women who’s doctors helped them through this. I had some morning sickness with my last pregnancy but the normal kind that goes away and doesn’t haunt you 24 hours a day... but with that being said, I know this isn’t normal and there has to be a solution that’s healthier for me and baby. Is it Time to find a new OB? 😭