Do I love my kids different?

Hey guys. Ok I have 3 kids. I have a 4 yr old daughter turning 5 in July, 18 month old son, and a 11 day old newborn son.

I got pregnant with my daughter shitty father my last year in college. When she was 5 months, he walked out her life to be with the other girl he got pregnant when I found out. So she hasn’t seen her father since. Or heard from him. Because it was my last year. To prevent me from getting dropped out from school and losing my scholarship, my parents raised my daughter her first year. So I missed a lot. Like her first steps. First talk. She didn’t call me mama. She called me my name.

So I graduated from school. Lived with my parents that summer til I found a job. I found a job that fall and got a apt for me abs my daughter. I settled in for a few month to be able to buy things like a couch and prepare to get things like a bed for her room. That took a little time. Like 3-4 months then I got my daughter back because I was settled in.

When my daughter turned 16 months, I met my husband... good man. He stole my heart the moment he bought pampers without asking me for her 💜 I knew he was the one. So 4 yrs later, we have 2 sons. My daughter is very smart but she is also raised very differently due to her living with my parents and myself. But because she stayed with my parents, she is spoiled. I have no problem with that but since I had her brothers, she doesn’t understand or just doesn’t wanna share her things or she tells her brother no or pushes him. It bothers me. When I discipline my daughter by putting her in the time out seat for 15 min, my mother tells me that I’m picking favorites and I’m doing my daughter wrong. And I’m like how when she gets her way at home with them. When she lives with me, she tries me and say “my grandparents gimme candy for dinner” and I’m like no. Not here with mommy. She wanna cry and fuss. I get mad on the inside because of this. My mom told me that I treat her differently from her brothers. But I’m like how? I’m showing her that she can’t have it all and can’t get mad when she can’t have things. She won’t know the consequences of her actions because they enable her.

Like did I make the right choice by letting my parents raise my daughter that first year of her life??? What do I do in this situation?