Falling pregnant just after periods


Has anyone out there ever had sex a few days after their period and fell pregnant? Me and my OH have been ttc for two years. I’ve never done ovulation tests or anything I’ve been trying to take things in my stride and not over think this as this is my 1st baby I am trying for and I’m 24. But I had sex three days after my period ended. 6 days after this I had 4 days of spotting / brown discharge and it was nowhere near heavy enough to be a period and it wasn’t red blood either. I’ve been having a constant mild twinge and cramp in my lower abdomen and in my back too since. I can’t test yet as I know I’m too early as I’m not due AF for another week I just really REALLY want this to be my month. Has anyone any symptoms like what I have and ended up with a BFP? Or fell pregnant early in their cycle xx