High Sex Drive and new ideas

I am 24 and I have a really high sex drive. Whether my Fiancé is around or not its like I need it everyday and sometimes 2-3 times a day.

When I was younger I got referred to as a sex addict... am I? I have literally no clue! My body just craves attention...

I have tried sex toys and its not enough... luckily my Fiancé is very happy with having sex everyday but when he isn’t around I end up frustrated and moody.

Like, (and judge me all you like) when we had our first date we went to a park had a really fun time and come back to my place to hang out, we ended up having sex... then its like we have been inseparable for the past 5/6 months of dating.

Don’t get me wrong sex is absolutely a bonus in my relationship he is way way more important then just the sex but I am just focusing on the sexual part of the relationship..

I also kind want tips on things to try... I have experience but I am always looking for something new...

Also, how do people have shower sex? Never been able to figure it out