Nervous 😬

At 25 weeks 5 days I had period like bleeding so went to the hospital where I was admitted to l and d. They found I was having regular contractions every 3-5 minutes lasting 60-90 seconds. I could feel my stomach tighten every now and then but not as often as what the machine was picking up. When they checked me I was 1cm dilated. I was monitored all night after five hours of contractions I got two liters of iv fluids and was rechecked I hadn’t dilated anymore and my contractions had slowed down to almost none so they sent me home. I saw my dr a week later and he only checked the heart beat with a Doppler and said he wasn’t worried since I wasn’t bleeding anymore - no cervix check but scheduled me for an ultrasound tomorrow I’ll be 28 weeks and 1 day. I still have contractions and cramping on and off ever since that day. It can be while I’m up or while I’m in bed. I’m nervous to see if my cervix is shortening on the ultrasound. At my 20 week ultrasound they never told me I had a low lying placenta or Placenta previa but I’ve read that could be a cause for bleeding? I’m a FTM so very worried to begin with and that definitely scared me especially being so early.

Has anyone else experienced something like this? What was your outcome?

Prayers and good thoughts are welcome❤️