My weightloss journey 183 to 147!

Leasha • 26. Married for 4 years. Pregnant with our first! (Its a little dude!) Due June 7th, 2019

I just wanted to share my weightloss journey with everyone because I'm so freaking proud of where I was to where I am now! I started keto at the beginning of Februaury of this year (2018) at my heaviest of 183lbs.. before keto I had tried literally everything else in the books to lose weight and nothing worked! In the past couple of years I went through some hard things like almost dying, losing loved ones, my mother going through two cancers (we actually just found out yesterday that she now has a tumor in her neck that will need to be removed as well), losing my hair a couple months after I almost died, ect.. so my weight went up and down.. i ended up getting down to 143 at one point 2 years ago (I still to this day dont know how I did it..depression maybe) but I gained it all back plus some within 2 months and it was horrifying.. but my sister in law asked me at the beginning of the year to be in her wedding and I said yes.. I was dreading it though because of my weight ( I really never wanted to be in photos or go out because how i looked). so I decided to try the last thing I hadn't up until that point...keto! I have gone from 183 in February to 147 as of today!

147 ( Today)


147 (Today)


147 (Today)

183 on the left to 147 on the right at my sister in laws wedding!

I'm so embarrassed that I got this big but I know now that my weight gain isn't a losing battle! My husband and I are now TTC which is another reason why I wanted to lose the weight so bad.. I just wanted to post these to let anyone who is struggling with weight know that it's never to late! You can do it! Find the reason why and let that be your motivation! thanks for reading! xoxo


As of this morning (June 27th) I'm now at 144.6!!!! I'm doing a happy dance! Yall are so nice! thank you for all the sweet comments :)