Kyleena IUD


So I did it! I finally got an IUD. I originally wanted the Paragard one that was hormone free because I never took well to the pill but I opted for Kyleena. Kyleena is hormonal but unlike the pill, its localized only in the uterus. It doesnt cause systemic effects like the pill does. So I made the decision to get an IUD because im in a serious long term relationship and I will be in my dental hygiene program next fall and wanted to make sure no babies would interfere with me getting through school. So I just had it inserted durring my lunch break at work around 1pm today. last night, I made the awful mistake of googling everything about IUD insertions and peoples experiences. Want to know something?? DONT DO IT!!! People only post negative experiences or over exaggerate them and freak you out before hand. I was obsessing about it last night and watched tons of videos and read blog after blog and I was freaking the fuck out and second guessing everything and crying because I was so scared. My boyfriend had to take my phone away and stop me from watching them. he said id be fine and you know what? I am! The Doctor talked me through everything. Because I already googled side effects and possible dangers, we got to the insertion pretty quickly. Im not going to lie, there is some pain. But ive gotten tattoos and piercings and had some rough sex that was more painful than the IUD insertion. Yes its weird feeling, its a strange pain that feels like a bad menstral cramp. But this feeling only lasts about 30 seconds to a minute and its sooooo worth it guys!!! I promise. One minute of uncomfortable cramping for 5 years of no worries of having an accidental baby..Hell Yes! It was not as bad as I thought it would be and I felt so silly. I do have to remind you though I took 800 mg of Ibprofen 45 mins before the insertion. I had no cramping at all afterwards until after work around 6pm at the gym. and its just like menstral cramping. no sharp stabbing pains or heavy bleeding or anything. PLEASE DONT LET THE INTERNET SCARE YOU! I had unecessary anxiety and fear for no reason. I feel silly working my self up about it last night because it was nothing compared to other things I had done. But everyones different and there are the risks and if you feel like somethings not normal talk to your doctor. But I swear to you its not awful. Not many people post positive experiences and I wanted to post mine to ensure that someone eles out there knows its ok and not to do what I did and freak out before hand by watching videos and reading all the horror stories. I wish I could have recorded my experience to prove how fast and easy it was and how the minor pain was soooo worth It!

Thanks for reading 😙