A dream about my ex

I broke up with my boyfriend of 8 months several months back. He was my first for everything there is to a relationship but really became such a dick toward the end of the relationship. We aren’t complete enemies at the moment, but we act like we hate each other but laugh at each other’s jokes and all. I should also mention I have a current boyfriend of about two months.

Now that the backstory is covered, my dream was that we were making fun of each other like always and being mean to each other as usual but then like everyone disappeared and I was sitting on his lap and he had his arms wrapped around me and his head in my back and I felt so at peace. And he slid his hand lower and it felt really good. I went to turn back and kiss him but I woke up and couldn’t remember if I did. Is this all in my head? It’s wrong for me to read into it right or is my brain telling me no matter how much we joke I’ll always have a soft spot for him?

I hate it because he’s such an asshole and my boyfriend now is an angel and I feel like he’s so good for me it’s almost too good to be true. I don’t feel hesitant choosing my boyfriend over my ex, but I just have this soft spot. What should I do PLEASE help!