Traumatic Birth!!


Finally getting around to typing this out. On May 26th my husband and I went to the 100 mile yard sales and did a lot of walking (I was set to be induced on the 28th at 39+1) I started having contractions and ended up in L&D; at midnight and was admitted to the floor at midnight, I was dilated to a 2 and 80% ob cape in around 4 AM and said we were going to induce on the 27th since I was there and 39 weeks, I said ok. My nurse told me she didn’t want me asking for an epidural until the contractions got strong enough for me to appreciate getting it. I labored for 5 hours and then asked for it, an hour later they came and put it in, it took 3 tries but honestly I never felt anything other than just a small bee sting feeling. After the epidural I slept for 6 hours and then my epidural ran out, we told the nurse who ended up forgetting and I was thrown into severe pain..thinking to cover her backside she ordered a bolus of a different medicine which I was allergic to. I ended up having an anaphylaxis reaction and almost died, my baby’s heart rate dropped to 54 and I was unconscious. Finally after getting me back stable I was told to rest a bit..that didn’t work, contractions hit bad again and I needed to push..I was so weak I had trouble pushing him out and had to have an episiotomy and stitches..I began to hemorrhage and had to have two blood transfusions. Both sides of my face has busted blood vein marks. Four days later I was released to go home..I started losing a lot of blood and was supposed to be readmitted but I got out of it. Baby boy and I are doing good now other than just a lot of weakness and dizziness.

Isaiah 5lb 13oz and 19in