4 am June 10 I got up out of bed

4 am June 10 I got up out of bed. I was restless. So I ate a donut and sat and drew some pictures to pass the time. I layer in bed a few times to go back to sleep but I felt off. I could t get comfortable . I just tossed and turned nothing felt right. I then started feeling very sick and was throwing up. I just thought the donut upset my stomach. I ran some bath water and I just kept getting sick. As soon as I stood up in the tub, I felt strong pressure on my bottom and front area. I thought she was finally making her way down. She stayed up pretty high. I dropped but her head just wasn't getting far down. I went back to bed, this was around 6 am. I fell asleep until 12 pm still waking up with heavy pressure every now and then. When I finally got up the pains started making my eyes water and I had to catch my breath. I took my older kids to a friends house to play and I had plans to hang out with my fiance and get more food since I was starved and finally feeling ok. The car ride was awful. Random build a of pelvic pressure in my girl parts. Eyes were watering pretty bad. I knew these weren't contractions. I had no pain. No back pain or stomach pain. I had two babies before. I knew what contractions felt like. My fiance took me to the hospital instead of getting me food like I had asked. They wanted to check me and ibtokd them She's just moving down probably but I had no choice since the fiance wouldn't get me food until ideas checked. They took me back right away. I was already a 5 and it was almost 5 at this time.

Still no normal pain but enough pressure to bring me to my knees. I went from 5-8 by 7:00. They broke my water at 8 as it was budging . I got an epidural at 8 cm before because I wanted to relax before pushing. (Pressure never resolved. Still felt the same feeling almost felt like a waste )and 8-10cm by 11pm . I couldn't push because she wasn't low enough and I would of been wore out. We used the peanut pillow and a few practice contractions to get her at a station 1. Still feeling this pressure like I had to go poop but it came in intervals and never stayed. I pushed her out in 4 contractions. Her shoulders got stuck as she was just about too big to pass but I have it my all and got her out. She swallowed so much fluid that when I pushed she spit it out of her mouth like a whale blowing water. It shot across the whole room. They said they'd never seen anything like it in their whole career and were just amazed by what she did.. We had a hard time getting the placenta out. It was huge she said and the cord was massively long. They also said I had more amniotic fluid than they ever seen in someone. I gained 15 lbs in one week 'm of fluids and we couldn't figure out what was wrong. Everything checked out perfect. They ended up giving me 1 bag of pitocin as caution to stopping any bleeding but i didn't need any for labor. I didn't tear either and she was my biggest baby I've had. She is perfectly healthy and calm. Very alert which was expected for me carrying her for 41 weeks exactly. My body seems to be hands long this like a pro. I have inky been spotting here and there. The after birth pains are something awful though. I'm also very swollen. I don't even loom the same haha. I'm day two into breast feeding and just got my milk in. She crawled to my breast and latched on herself at birth.. The whole thing was such a great experience and though I'm in pain it was all worth it. I'm very impressed with her and myself through this delivery. Here is

Isla Sage

8.9 lbs

Born 1:55 am

20 inches