Almost gave birth in the toilet


I had an appointment Monday at 38w and 1day and they tell me I was a 2-3 and 50-60% and they striped my membranes.. I go home thinking today might be the day I dance a lot to get baby out and no I was perfectly fine no contractions or anything.. that night comes around and like every other night I have pain.. I wake up Tuesday at 6am to a horrible contraction and I decided to get up and clean the house so my contractions wouldn’t stop the whole time my contractions were VERY strong but 11-15 mins apart I finish cleaning and get in the shower I knew either it was gonna make my contractions worse or they will go away I got out and I still had contractions so I called my mom to get ready while I was getting ready my contractions slowed down so I called my mom and told her we should wait after I hung up I got a horrible contraction and knew I should go in my hospital is 30 mins away on the way to the hospital my contractions got 3-5 mins apart and I finally make it into triage at 10am and sure enough I’m 3-4 and 80% but they still wanted me to walk for an hour so I waited about 30 mins and as soon as they told me to walk I asked if I could be checked again because I was in a lot of pain and I was a good 4 so they moved me to a room and drew my blood gave me IV then they gave me some pain medication as I was waiting for the epidural.. I was in so much pain I was nearly crying.. I had to pee so I asked if I could go and I got a horrible contraction so the nurse said for me to wait as soon as it passed then I got up and went.. I sat down and felt I had to poop but then I realized the feeling wasn’t coming from my butt so I stood up and told my husband I think I have to push and I said no wait so I sat back down and then I realized I was feeling the head and my body started pushing and he right away started screaming for the nurse and I walked back to bed as soon as I lay down the epidural lady gets there and the nurse told her she wasn’t needed anymore I was at a 10 and I was just screaming at the top of my lungs and 2 pushes and my baby girl was born at 12:12pm weighing at 6.7lb and 19.5in no epidural 😫 did not tear and I’m not needing pain medication and my recovery is going by amazing!