Night Weaning


Hi all,

I need some advice/tips and please no comments on how I shouldn’t night wean. I understand all babies are different and everyone has different views on what needs to happen. Just looking for advice from those currently going through this or have done this. I have a 6.5 month old. She’s healthy and happy and we got the okay from her pedi to stop night feedings. She wakes up randomly through the night, anywhere from 2-7 times. I try to go at least 4 hours between feeds. Otherwise I try and soothe her in increasing increments. If I don’t feed her, and sometimes when I do, she doesn’t go back to sleep for an hour or more. She puts herself to sleep for naps and initial bed time, she naps and eats great during the day. She just doesn’t know how to soothe herself in the middle of the night. I have read all about night weaning and how to gradually reduce the feedings. We have tried increasing the time in between and she had made it to 5 hours before she is up and won’t go back to sleep. I have also read about reducing the time she eats. She is breastfed and if I try to pull the boob away from her before she is ready it is near impossible and ends up in screams. I’m thinking going cold turkey is the way to go. Anyone done this? Have you night weaned your baby, what worked for you?