help me...

over the weekend my partner/fiancé of almost 5 years and I decided to go on a break but it's looking like we may not get back together anytime soon.

We have a 3 year old together and he's moved into a friend's so I can keep the house with our son. I am really struggling 😭 I feel like I don't/can't show anyone how much I feel I'm struggling because I have to be strong for my little man and he doesn't need to see mummy cry.

I have bad anxiety and depression and I literally just feel like I cannot do this on my own, I'm 24 and never lived totally on my own I moved out my family home to live with my partner so I've never done it on my own and suddenly I gotta do it on my own with toddler 😞

His dad is coming round every day to spend time with him and we are staying as friends (for months it's been like we've just been friends living together). Soon as he gets his own place he will be taking him for nights so I'm not worried about that I the freaking heck do I cope? Some days I feel I wouldn't be able to look after myself if it hadn't been for my partner...😭

Ahhhhh I don't even know the real point of this post I'm just struggling 🙁

Thank you in advanced xxx